Who are CLAPA?

August 18, 2023

What is a cleft?

A cleft lip and palate is when the different parts of the face form separately and then don’t all come together, leaving a gap or ‘cleft’ in the upper lip or the roof of the mouth. There’s no cause, and it can happen in any pregnancy.

Everyday, 3 babies are born with a cleft in the UK or Australia. It can impact on feeding, speech, hearing, teeth and more. Like many babies, Cormac had surgeries at 4 months and 9 months old.

CLAPA was there from the moment we found out about Cormac's cleft. CLAPA gave us reassurance, information, support groups, and a welcome pack. It’s such an amazing charity. It is the only UK supplier of specialist bottles and teats for babies born with a cleft. They are even there for kids as they become adults and their needs change.

Who are CLAPA?

CLAPA receives no NHS or government funding and relies on donations from people like you to continue their incredible work.

By raising money we will do our bit to help CLAPA support families in the future.

We hope you love Coen's artwork and also love CLAPA and give generously at the auction. All the money we raise will go to CLAPA as a donation.

How will your money make a difference?

£3.50 could buy a pack of specialist feeding teats

£40 could fund a Welcome Pack for new parents

£200 could fund training for a Peer or Parent Supporter.

Whatever you can give will make a difference.

For more information, visit CLAPA's website here or find them on Instagram here